Pitmaston’s Character Development

At Pitmaston Primary School we recognise the importance of developing pupils’ character as part of our duty to provide a broad and balanced curriculum. The development of character permeates every subject, learning opportunity and interaction across school as we support children to develop the personal qualities that guide the way they think, feel and act.

At Pitmaston we have worked closely as a team to select the ten Character Values we believe are integral to supporting children to become the most successful versions of themselves they can be and in turn creating a school community that allows everyone to flourish.

September Launch Month
October Communication (including Leadership)
November Honesty (Integrity)
December Resilience
January Respect (Compassion and Empathy)
February Self-Awareness ( Self Regulation)
March Responsibility
April Reflection (Critical Thinking)
May Citizenship (Social Justice)
June Motivation
July Confidence


These ten Character Values are taught in a deliberate and progressive manner through Key Stage assemblies and monthly Character Development lessons as well as opportunities that arise throughout the day.  We have created a personalised curriculum for Character Development that builds on the Pitmaston’s Characteristics of Effective Learning and ensures that knowledge, reasoning and practice of the values is progressive across school.