Each year the whole of Pitmaston Primary School take part in a theme day around the Rule of Law. This is a fantastic opportunity for all of the children to be inspired by the different careers they may want to go into in the future.
We had our local Police Community Support Officers Dave and Katw come in to teach us about the role of the police in our community and following the law.
Mrs Bristoll, a barrister talked to Year 4 and 5 about the role of barristers in court. The children were very impressed by her wig!
Judy Holland, who is a local Magistrate, came into talk to the children about the role of Magistrates in court.
Police Officer Dave came to talk to the children to discuss staying safe in our community and following the law. He also showed the children special parts of his uniform, including key equipment. Children were also reminded on how to contact the police in case of an emergency by using 999.