Music at Pitmaston

At Pitmaston, we recognise that music is a universal language that embraces creativity and diversity. We believe that music is for everyone. We instil in our pupils a love and passion for music; there are many opportunities to compose and listen to music responding, evaluating and reviewing with attention to detail. Every individual forms and expresses their own opinions about different pieces of music and musical genres; and we respect the variety of tastes and expressions of music within our school community.

The music curriculum at Pitmaston is progressive, exciting and ambitious from the Early Years to Year 6, following the Early Years Foundation Curriculum and the Programme of Study developing musical concepts, knowledge and skills. Children have the opportunity to be taught in our purpose built music room. We believe that music plays an integral role in helping children to feel part of our community, developing their self-confidence through achievements and performances. Children perform across a wide range of settings including incredible class assemblies linked to the wider curriculum, the annual Christmas Carol Service in the Worcester Cathedral and the Year 6 theatrical production.

We seek to encompass music in all areas of the curriculum to support learning, enabling pupils to ‘Enjoy, Aspire and Achieve.’ Singing is a pivotal part of our school where children sing with enthusiasm, learn how to play and perform on a minimum of three musical instruments and improvise and compose their own music, both digitally and acoustically. As a Thrive ambassador school and Trauma Informed School we value the use of music as a therapeutic tool to support everyone’s well-being in order to regulate pupils, support with transition and aid relaxation.

Our pupils leave Pitmaston with a love of Music for life, confident to enjoy and express themselves musically and creatively.