Welcome to Early Birds Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club aims to ensure all children attending start their day in a relaxed environment and  are able to eat a nutritious breakfast of toast, cereal, yoghurt and fruit.  Breakfast Club opens at 8am and children are taken to their classrooms ready to start learning at 8.45am. The cost of each session is £2.50.  Booking is availalbe via the Parents App and must be paid for in advance.  Those children in receipt of free school meals can apply for a free place at Breakfast club, space permitting.

Meet the Staff

Mrs Wilks, Leader

Mrs Williams, Assistant

Mrs Crellin, Assistant

Mrs Allen, Assistant

Welcome to Late Owls After School Club

Our after school club aims to give your child the best possible end to their school day, where there will be an opportunity to mix with other children from Reception to Year 6 in a fun and friendly environment. Late Owls will aim to give Pitmaston children access to high quality, affordable and reliable childcare that fits in with normal working hours.  There will be a range of activities including games, construction, role play, movies, art and crafts and  outdoor activities (weather permitting) available throughout the week.

There will be two sessions available:
3.25pm – 4.30pm at a cost of £6.00 including a snack (see an example menu below)
3.25pm – 6.00pm at a cost of £12.00 which includes a light meal (see an example menu below)
All prices will be reviewed annually but we have ensured this is in line with other After School Club facilities.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Snack (Fruit and water) Flapjacks Crumpets Cake Toast and Jam Cookies
Light Meal Beans on Toast and Fruit and Yogurt Bacon Rolls

Cake and fruit

Fish Finger rolls, fruit and  yoghurt Sausage Rolls

Cake and fruit

Selection of wraps

Fruit and yoghurt

Meet the Staff

Mrs Johns, Club Leader

Mrs Tayar-Bidwell, Assistant

Mrs Perkins, Assistant

Miss Ratcliffe, Cook

Terms and Conditions Uncollected child policy