Rule of Law Debating Question

This half term throughout British Values, we are looking at The Rule of Law.

As part of these half termly, British Values lessons, we have introduced a debate. This terms Debate for KS1 will be:

Should we have school rules? – Thinking about whether it would be fair or not if we didn’t have school rules and what school might looklike if we didn’t have rules. 

For KS2 the children will be debating:

Should we have rules in society? – Think about what would happen if we didn’t have any police to enforce the rules? Or traffic lights to stop cars from driving on pavements etc. 

On Thursday 29th September, PCSO Iain Sweatman lead two assemblies for Year 3 and 4 and Year 5 and 6 talking to us all about ‘Hate Crime.’  Our pupils showed their knowledge and understanding of the protected characteristics; race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation and individual characteristics – he was very impressed!  He shared with us all the consequences of committing any Hate Crime and the impact that this has on victims, including how it is ‘breaking the law’. He reinforced it is our responsibility to report any incidents.  He shared that some victims are too frightened to report things themselves and we must do this for them by telling teachers at school and our parents if it happens out of school.  We linked this to our school behaviour policy and how in school we have zero tolerance towards any discriminatory behaviour.  This week we have focused on the British Value ‘Rule of Law’ and are debating why we need school rules.  We talked about how we are all unique, individual and special and we are very lucky to be part of Pitmaston Primary School where we all care and look after each other.