Democracy Day Hat Parade
For Democracy Day, we made and decorated our own ‘Democracy themed’ hats. They ranged from hats for Queen Elizabeth, to hats dedicated to the different political parties and we even had a post box!
All children then took part in a hat parade where they were able to show the rest of the children in their key Stage their hats.
Sticking with the theme of Democracy, classes then voted for their favourite hat and these children received a special certificate and prize.
Voting for Head Boy and Girl and Deputy Head Boy and Girl: We have used a democratic voting system to choose our head boy and girl. We used voting booths and a ballot box to vote for our chosen candidate.
The Pupil Leadership Team : The Pupil Leadership Team are given the opportunity to tell the school what they want. They gather opinions from the pupils and feed that back to the teachers. They are also on the interviewing panel!