resources committee instrument of governance Curriculum committee governor visits policy

Message from Chair of Governors

At Pitmaston Primary School we work together to provide the very best possible education, outcomes and well-being for each individual child in our school. We are also committed to raising aspirations for all children through celebrating achievements, working as a community of learners and ensuring every day at school is an enjoyable experience. The governors at Pitmaston Primary School believe that education has the ability to liberate and empower all, through the promotion of inclusive values and beliefs. We believe that all children have the right to reach their full potential through a process of transformational change. We do this by sharing the strategic vision and ethos of the school, monitoring and challenging the school’s performance linked to teaching and learning, financial planning and other business matters; and by acting as a professional body always to ensure continuous school improvement.

The governing body at Pitmaston School consists of 11 people, some of whom are elected and others are co-opted based on the skills, experience and expertise that can offer the school. It includes governors who range from academics from the University of Worcester, an Ofsted Inspector and those working within the business sector, a member nominated from the Local Authority, and elected parents who join the headteacher and a staff governor. All the governors at Pitmaston Primary are committed to working in the best interests of the school and to improving outcomes for all children. If you would like to contact me please do so by telephoning the School Office on 01905 423710 or by emailing  I hope the website provides you with an insight into our school and the information you need.

Lynda Townsend, Chair of Governors.

All of our Governors with the exception of the Headteacher and  Associate Governors are appointed for a period of 4 years.

Name Category Area of Responsibility Committee Date of appointment End of term of office Business/Pecuniary Interests % attendance at FGB meetings in  academic year 2023/24 Voting Rights Governor at another school?
Lynda Townsend Co-opted Governor Chair of Governors

Leadership and Management


Safeguarding incl. online safety and Anti Bullying


Curriculum, Resources 11/09/2023 11/09/2027 None 80% Y N
Stefan Howarth Co-opted Governor Chair of Resources

Leadership and Management

Governor recruitment

Resources 04/07/2021 03/07/2025 None  100% Y N
Suzanne Horton Co-opted Governor Vice Chair of Governors

Leadership and Management

Chair of Curriculum

Emotional well-being

Writing and Reading

Curriculum 29/09/2022 28/09/2026 None  100% Y Y
Kate Wilcock Head Resources and Curriculum Curriculum, Resources 01/09/2015 no end Headteacher  80% Y N
Sue Bladen Associate Governor Resources, Health and Safety Resources 01/06/2011 no end Business Manager in school.  100% Y N
Anne Eyre Co-opted Governor Vice Chair of Resources

Pupil Premium and CLA


Curriculum, Resources 05/10/2021 01/10/2025 None 100% Y N
Mrs B Fuller Clerk to Governors None 100% N N
Y6 Phase Leader Staff Governor Curriculum Curriculum 01/09/2022 01/09/2026 None 100% Y N
Mrs D Andrews LEA appointed Governor Curriculum – Theory and Research Based & Memory Retention Curriculum 02/07/2024 01/07/2028 None 60% Y Y
Mr P Hines Co-opted Governor SEND and Inclusion

COVID-19 catch up Premium

Resources 23/11/2020 22/11/2024 None 40% Y Y
Mrs A Stallard Parent Governor Emotional Wellbeing Curriculum 23/11/2020 22/11/2024 None 60% Y N
Mr J Fairfax Parent Govenor Resources


Resources 01/04/2021 31/03/2025 None 100% Y N
Mr A Knowles Associate Governor Health and Safety 08/09/2021 07/09/2024 Married to a teaching assistant in school N/A N N
Mr H Evans Co-opted Governor School Improvement Curriculum 23/11/2023 22/11/2027 None 100% Y N
Mrs R Wise Co-opted Governor 29/09/2022 leaver – 10.10.2023 None 80% Y N